Y Use Why…Y U Either Ether Can’t Nor Neither Canned Can Knot???!!! Oar Who…

William Tucker
2 min readMay 30, 2024


Wants to be standing under when they are under stewed studded stood???!!!

Visualized DistRActions Coming from Connecticut???

Whose dictionary did you lose or Eye meanly mean surely really USE???!!!

If all is ConKneckED and Ow! we knead re add read is the first and last let her of the TOward WORDS to reADD our prison ions sentences, WTheck?!…IT BE givethe Eye in maybe me be an Eye of mind head an ache it’s an EDache?!

Feeling like an Oh OK Eye hookethering a Be ass in the I as far as his eye can sea. Who the freak thought this taut though languishing language of thoughts with mean thinkings about meanings? If eye was an ifanant telesCOPeyeC ALL let hers be wood be SeeUNknecked???!!! Butt dung uc it’ll all b connected if it be in mind eyes connected to the thI bone’s connected to the Theebone’s connected to the last lost bone…feel free to rescrew and rescue me eyes here xtraextraRA special specialistly from ALL AI ailmeants BEcaws like crow the Cawwed…oops…a google of cawwed just off er off’d sometime knotted known as offended eye’s eyes…and returned to me NBA Dean Wade’S latest news thereby proving everyTHING IS CONknecked???!!!

Bye by eye and disclaimed clammed up clAIm of irresponsible SensatIONal circumcursational ramblings are authorized by the writs of this so very verily sovereign S over reigning kings, vikings, queens queeningly queening their subjects to sub Saharan desserts of absquatulatory absquatulations modern por no graffitial miss spellings?!

KNEWKs, NewCaws?!…IT’s ALL sat an conned ectoplasmaKnecked with dicktedoratorialSPELLINGS with prison term sentences of prions of ions of judgments of judge meants…YIKES DID THESE JUST ICE eye see E all that is THIS HAS NOW BEEN THOUGHT OUT LOUD IN A WRIT OF TEN TIMES THE MEANING???!!!

Henry henny hummy his herring Hemmingway squidded away…to… Namast?!

The Creator Quantummizes???!!!



William Tucker

Eternally of THE ONE ALONE Creator Consciousness of ALL Infinite Existence & Nil Void Before & Beyond Space Time Illusion? Ready? Set? Create,Love,Live,Play…???