The SecretTary DEVILopMeant Hungers for Recycling Souls?!…HueWoManity is a Mother Blue Earth Symbiotic Parasite??!! Watt the Flux???!!!

William Tucker
2 min readJan 26, 2024

Is consciousness the electricity of the blood transmitted through the brain the heart and body?! Henceforth cometh the ELecTrickle circumcursational ramblings

LAW Theme Theory?!🤔😲

The theme (the me) or... the theory of (the or y) where y =(WHY?)🙃😴😊

Different Electromagnetics RAises RAys Across the Lake Waters?!
Try Treeing One Tree’s Tree of Knowledge Just Once with the One’sness?!

So you’ll have no worries if “it ain’t what you’re due”, it;S (Satin or Satan or Sanity Claws?!) the tway that yous uses dues IT?! Try twaying a way of being JUST two of your four selves. Your four selves be your body, mind, spirit and soul?! Like fractaled fraction?!

Urban dictionary:

A Tary is a large, squid like, sea creature that is often referred to as a Kraken. It has several large and powerful tenticles that can each crush a ship. A Tary is also mostly in disguise as a human but can sometimes revert into its true form due to lack of water. This is generally hushed up by the government and is blamed on an earthquake. Due to the Tary’s immense size it can only fully revert into its true form out at sea. Secret Tary?!

  1. Assize?! n. Law

a. A judicial inquest, the writ by which it is instituted, or the verdict of the jurors.

b. A decree or edict rendered at such an inquest.

2. assizes

a. One of the periodic court sessions formerly held in each of the counties of England and Wales for the trial of civil or criminal cases.

b. The time or place of such sessions.

Assinine?! Ass in 9?! Assassinate?! Assassinate in 8 as in infinity at attentive attenuation down into electric light?!

HOW DOES…the devil come to feed you your greatest fears?! Certainly not as evil obvious to you?! Certainly not as blazing flames of electromagnetic fire?! Perhaps as all of the dreams that you’ve ever ELecTrickleLY dreamed you wanted?! However, maybe and most likely the coming is as you perceiving your own thoughts directly from yourself?!

Secretary???!!! A secret tary???!!! BE!!! ALWAYS COME TO YOUR OWN… DEFENSE???!!!🤔🌌♾️🫣💖🙏🏻



William Tucker

Eternally of THE ONE ALONE Creator Consciousness of ALL Infinite Existence & Nil Void Before & Beyond Space Time Illusion? Ready? Set? Create,Love,Live,Play…???