Spell Casting by US Amped Dolts of Volts and…the Wayin IS Wayout?!

William Tucker
2 min readOct 5, 2023

OBserving ObServers???!!!

Palm of HandHelled Alightended Center of HueWoMan Individual SignifiKANT???!!! SOOC or Straight Out of CameRA?

Demons Demand UNionization and Equal Playing Time???!!!

A FU from Chairman Edgar Alan Poe Tries UnIvershity of Reincarnations?!

Demoncrazy panting Drone Bees or Be heres be Beers?! Polls up the rear end of their BeRAins?!

Sorcery Possessed Plutocratic Actor Satanic Felchers, Infantile Possessor Molesters?!

Straws hanging outta their the ir (the go to?!) heinies ordering to be worshiped reVersed f’d tr’d s’d and d’d as in FED, Sex Traffic Trucked, Energy of their Being Sucked away as demon food and dumped…?!

The 8Billion HueWoMan dolt applicant supplicant existors slaving away?!

Begging for defecation FED election circuses fenced in faux nations?!

Statistically Significant Regional Prisons laughingly breathing warshipping over what lands their histories had brought, taught and wrought for them?!

Their racial ethnic familial brood Roman tribe ideniTities, RAmnes, LuCiFeres and other AssSORTed Papissed off Nazi Ashes for Ashkenazis?!

Oblivious Quantummy EnTaggled “Oh Be Servers ye of yee little geostudiUSes of dinosauruses”?!

Unknowingly Warshipping self casted mean spellings allowed via illusive dictatorial dictionaries of languishing languages of word termed thoughts???!!!

Slaving away just to think they be among the News at 5 ALIVE spell castings of hell fires from the Malted Moltinings of the UnderWhirled AbbyHissed Abyss of Possessed Pissed Historied Papists?!

Soulutions???!!! PsychIaTrickery, PsychiaTryst, more So Shall MeDia…ah;;; or MeDieTatIon meditation where “tat” spell casted most recently MEANS:

1. A gene in the AIDS virus that stimulates the host cell to replicate genetic components of the virus.

2. The protein encoded by this gene that is a potent transactivator of viral replication.

There is always of P Harm a Suit I Calls Sorcery or Me Di Cat Ions

Or ore…Just BE, Forever ONE Consciousness Alive until death due us part…and go where the consciousness of your one infinite eternal Mind, Spirit and Soul chose, desire or despair???!!!


Witch Way?! In or Out?!
Which Way Witches Watch as Time ELecTricklely Ticks To or Flows From or Into the Wayout?!



William Tucker

Eternally of THE ONE ALONE Creator Consciousness of ALL Infinite Existence & Nil Void Before & Beyond Space Time Illusion? Ready? Set? Create,Love,Live,Play…???