Pyschopathic Secret???!!!

William Tucker
4 min readSep 2, 2024


The (playing) field is the sole (soul) governing agency of the atom(ic)” Albert Einstein…where ic be the Old English Pronoun for “I” C becomes “See” or I See

Disclaimer: Random Circumcursational Rambling Wanderings Ahead…Be Prepared to Depart, Abscond, Absquatulate or Even Die Dead Outta… Here, Hear???!!!…oh, and fu spell checkers, go cast a spell on UR dictatorial curses of selvesishesness’ MEANY meanies???

These days and nights, these eyes, yes poss(I)bly EYE Be EL Why?! could be a… spell cast into the outer ether?!…via a scalar vector toroidal IntentIon?! where scalar be a physical quantity that is completely described by its magnitude. Examples of scalars are volume, density, speed, energy, mass, and time. Sounds like words are scalars???!!! A vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction, such as displacement, velocity, and acceleration. Sounds like words have SOUND, perhaps emotional magnitudes and directions such as displacements, velocities, and accelerations???!!!

Could all our I’s Eyes read these spellings being caste down into writs of written writings???!!!…where the WRITS of our finger or forWordnesses of the sound waves cast from out of our mouths off of our tongues BeRing into Worded winged or wristed wits of writs to be commandments of ComeandMeants???!!! Holy BE Yonders Yikes!!!??? A Writ is a written order issued by a court, commanding the party to whom it is addressed to perform or cease performing a specified act. Could we all be issuing writs to serve the purposes of the psychopathic bankster warriors secretarially behind all wars???!!!…AND thus unbeknownst lying laxadaisically like Lilacs while thinking we are trying to live life to its fullest in kindhearted ways but in reality are contributing evil meanings worshiping dark evil powers who want us HueWoMan Beings to be debters owed due to them to do their doings for them for nothing be the money they create out of souced sourcery or magical tree dust into paper???!!!

Lilac Be High…Grow…Go Right High…Go Write LilAC ELectric Bright…Be Write Right

Who sees your thoughts?! Those you tell by emotions of motions of movement of body via gestures, sounds, writings, images…ensconced screenings of hidden mean meanings meaning a means of electrick pixels now evilly alighted elatedly pixelatedly for our sights of sight seeings???!!!…BAM, SNAP, CRACKLE, POP a serial poll just needled its way into our consensuses of senses and injected our brains’ sugar taste sense with the most high of corny joke fructosed insanitization of syruptitiousness of sweet sweepnesses of directions for our minds to obey our electrick brain mush as if our tongues just tasted every candy we ever enjoyed for the first time all at the SAME Time. YIKES, IKES, MIKES ON TRIKES FASTER THAN BIKES AT THE SIX DAY BICYCLE RACES Strikes Hikes???!!!

Now it gets wearily really rear ended offensively offended as in off ended?! So now we have come up on upon our comeuppances to know that we have knowledge that losing the obesity of a rear end can be accomplished by some type of scalar vector toroidal intentional offense as in politically incorrect like giving artificial lilacs to a politician with two poles of fake polls for legs of lilacs lying above, below, beyond or WTF48’s of infinity standing straight up???!!!

The second corollary thesis of the off ending hypothesises’ theory or TheOrWhy is Who Ops the Whoops We Jump All Our days’ daises at work and Through Political FN Hula Hoops ALL THE 24 HOURS DAYS… FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…LEST we further our OFF Endings through political rear endings???!!!…kick em out on their rears without arrears.

The last but not least LilacsITallDaysical must then be the old crony Acronym of ROTFLMAO MEANing rolling on the floor laughing my ass off… OR we Finnegan’s Wake it over to Rot Florida Mao as in Rotten Florida Mayo OR as in Mao Zedong who withheld more than the fn mayo and MaoOnized fellow wannabe Sit in Zens to death estimates that range from multiple millions to many millions to many more millions beyond our fn ImageInNations???!!!

Oh well, we be just be trying id the betrayings to enjoy the lilacs and some famine no feeder leader Chairman BeMaoOnized faminizer murderer comes along and with his fat ass and perhaps a few small feline meals of A cat tummy reproducing parasite???!!! This brain parasite T Ghondii trolls around by the name of Toxoplasmosis Ghondii or T Ghondii has been identified for possibly thousands of years going back to Ancient Egypt and Babylon?! AND half the world is estimated to be infected with no consequences???!!! But, butt BiF FarmaSuitYouUpical has developed a vax for sheep to prevent miscarriages and multiple studies have proved correlations between T Ghodii and Schizophrenia(SCZ) and a host of other severe mental disorders???!!!

Perhaps T Ghondii could ultimately cause a worldwide zooming zombie PANDEMIC OF meant MENTAL ILLNESSES from Schizophrenia to a HOST of other Unsanitized Insanites including to be BeMaoOnized???!!!

WOW???!!! mmmmaaaayBE we just discovered the causes of all wars all the way back to domestication of Cats???!!! Repeat the Yikes, ikes, cat owner lovers…please do not NewClear this author who be just tinkerin (yikes…out loud?) a potential war soulution to: “It isn’t sanity”…sounds exactly the same as “It IS INSANITY” because it is the same with WAR, let alone the thought of NewClear War for the International Banksters who just want to rob us all of our mind brains, spirit hearts and soul bodies???!!! ROBIN Robbers…???!!!

Don’t Blame Me, Just a ROBIN of the Turdus Migratorius, Looking for the Gate Outta Here That Used to… Be… Over…There?!




William Tucker

Eternally of THE ONE ALONE Creator Consciousness of ALL Infinite Existence & Nil Void Before & Beyond Space Time Illusion? Ready? Set? Create,Love,Live,Play…???