Haiku: Creator Goddess Dreams All…

Stare Long Enough…See…See Her Focus…

Before and Beyond

Infinite Eternal Love

Admiring Respects

We Must…Respect, Admire, Offer Eternal Esteeming Glory… Infinite Love and Stand Under to Understand ALL Her Infinite Loving…Creations???!!!

Obsessed with simplification…compulsed to OH!!!…BE ONE!!!…with Her Creations…Before and Beyond our ununderstood worthy perceptions of HER ALL…

Order Out of Chaos???!!!…Chaos IS One!!!… Observations…OH BE Serve AT… IONS…

An atom with an electric charge is called an ion. A positively charged ion (a cation) has more protons than electrons. A negatively charged ion (an anion) has more electrons than protons…

THE ALL THERE IS ALONE ONE Feminine Goddess laughingly DREAMS…

n o w whisper…and IT MATTERS…

Perhaps We Are Just to Blend IN…or BE…Lend…A Part of Her Dream and Bumble BE Around and Around…Again and a Gain???


William Tucker

Eternally of THE ONE ALONE Creator Consciousness of ALL Infinite Existence & Nil Void Before & Beyond Space Time Illusion? Ready? Set? Create,Love,Live,Play…???